A Mostly Typical Sunday
Sundays around here are usually pretty typical.
As most of you know, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka Mormon), and we observe Sundays as the Sabbath day, and try to make it a day for rest and worship. We also try not to do things that are normal for the rest of the week. So, in other words, we don't shop on Sundays, or do things like go to the movies, or say, an amusement park. We try not to do chores. And, in my family personally, we listen to only classical or church music.We focus on attending church service, and also on other "quiet" and meaningful activities, like reading scriptures, or other books, visiting family and the sick, journaling, doing family history, and yes, even naps. It IS the day of rest, isn't it?
So, with that said, here's how the day went for us today. I said it was mostly typical, because it varied a little in its normality.
8:30 am -- Woke up and showered
9:00 am -- Ate breakfast while checking email/FB/news/practice music (you'll see why)
10:00 am -- Got ready for church (did hair, got dressed, put on makeup)
10:30 am -- Left for church
10:45 am -- Arrived at church, settled into pew, then checked on mic (yes, it's coming)
11:00 am -- Church begins
11 am - 2 pm -- Block of meetings at church (will explain later)
2:30 pm -- Arrive home, change clothes, eat lunch while checking email/FB/etc.
Then in the afternoon we usually watch some TV together. We cook dinner for the coming week, and just have some quality time, including calling family.
So, that's usually our Sundays. But, I know what you're thinking: 3 hours for church?! *LOL* Yep.
Our first hour (usually a teensy longer) is what we call Sacrament Meeting, because during that time we take the sacrament (aka communion). We also sing hymn and have speakers (instead of just one preacher), etc. The the second hour is Sunday School, and the third hour is when the youth, men, and women split up into separate classes. During both second and third hours, the children gather together in what we call Primary. Part of their time is spent in age-divided classes, and part of the time they are together learning about the scriptures and also singing and learning songs. [I am currently a teacher in the Primary -- my class is the 3-year-olds that turned/are turning 4 this year.] So, that's about it in a nutshell. (Please feel free to ask questions, if you want.)
However, today was a little atypical because instead of having speakers, the Primary (children) put on a program during most of the time. It usually involves them speaking parts (which they sometimes come up with) and singing songs revolving around a specific theme. (Every year they have a new theme to focus on during that year.) This year it was about the scriptures. So, remember me mentioning practicing music and checking on a mic? Well, that's because, during one of the songs, I was asked to sing the descant that is available for it. (Descant: a superimposed counterpoint to a simple melody sung typically by some or all of the sopranos.) So, yes, I can sing, but I get quite nervous singing in front of people by myself. However, as long as I know the song/part well, I'm usually okay at controlling the nerves. Luckily, this is a part I sing often when they sing this song normally, because it's just such a pretty descant.
And THAT was my slightly atypical, typical Sunday.
We had our Primary Program yesterday, too. It's so fun to see the kids say their parts and sing. Wish I could have been there to hear your descant. I love hearing you sing!
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