Thursday, November 17, 2011

Corporate Citizenship & Volunteerism

Did you know that my company has a separate division that JUST handles charity work and setting up volunteer opportunities for its employees? Yep, a company that not only claims to do community work, but actually does.

Today alone I got two emails with quite a few opportunities around the community to volunteer.

But this had specific relevance to me today, because I actually got to participate in one of those opportunities.

Today I, along with several other people, helped the Meals on Wheels organization by decorating blank gift bags that will contain small items (usually toiletries and the like) that will be delivered to recipients of the program during Christmas. Sometimes, they said, these are the only Christmas "gifts" these people receive. So, Meals on Wheels was especially glad we were decorating them, since many of these folks really like and appreciate things like this. It will make their day. Part of me makes me sad that some of these people live their lives like that. Another part of me is glad that I could help. And really, if I didn't have an actual job to perform, I would totally love to run around and volunteer at all the great things they do.

I know many people that would like to volunteer around the community, but it's hard to find things to do, or the time to do it. So, my company puts a lot of groups together to go help out during business hours (and we are not docked pay for it), but they also do a lot of company-sponsored events that benefit those in the community.

It makes me feel good to be part of such a great company that I am learning to love even more now that I am a full-fledged employee!


Erika November 18, 2011 at 9:05 AM  

That's impressive. I think it's great that some companies make it a priority to give more to the community than just retail items.

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