Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 17 - Something I'm Looking Forward To

I'm looking forward to Brian's birthday at the end of this month. He will be 29! Crazy!

We don't really do much to celebrate Valentine's Day, mostly because it's not a huge deal, really -- we share our love with each other every day in many ways -- and because we'd rather take that money and time and do something nice/fun for Brian's birthday.

I have thought about having people over for a Saturday birthday brunch (as his birthday falls on a Saturday, and we love breakfast foods, and, that way people can still come celebrate, but have the rest of the day to do errands and go other places), but Brian hasn't decided if that's something he'd like. Either way, we are going to go to dinner that evening, although he has yet to tell me what he'd like or where he would like to go. That's okay. It's his day and he can do what he wants. ^_^


Em February 22, 2011 at 12:59 AM  

If you have a brunch, be sure to invite me. :) I would love to come, even if just in spirit.

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