Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 11 - Favorite TV Shows

Well, way down on my sidebar I have a list of current favorite TV shows, and then a list of all-time favorite TV shows. However, it doesn't say WHY they're my favorite, so here goes.

All-Time Favorite:

Alias -- The first episode was huge and totally hooked me in. Hot spy girl wearing red wig that was actually just kind of a nerdy graduate student at heart? Hello! (Jennifer Garner was also my girl crush for awhile. ^_-)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer -- Angsty vampire slayer that falls in love with hot vampire? How could you not like it? I think there were some seasons that I didn't much care for, but that was okay. My favorite episode was the musical.

Stargate SG-1 -- Overall this series was cheesy and campy, but knew it, making fun of itself and many other scifi shows. I laugh so many times at the in-jokes and storylines with different alien cultures are pretty interesting. And, I heart, heart Daniel Jackson (played by Michael Shanks) -- nerdy guys can be HOT.

The X-Files -- I remember one night, being home alone and watching one of my first episodes of The X-Files, while eating dinner. It was the episode where a guy likes to go out with heavy girls because he sucks their fat out. I vowed then I would never watch the show while eating again. *LOL* A truly unique show with interesting characters, but a kinda screwy overall plot. That's okay. It was a fun ride!

Current Favorite:
What classifies as a current favorite? I watch many shows, but if I set a DVR for it, and get upset if something cuts it off, then it's a fave.

America's Next Top Model -- My guilty pleasure. I really only like it because of the cool fashion, shoots, costumes and makeup they do. Really!

Ghost Hunters -- Lately it has been boring me because they haven't found anything really interesting, but when they do, wow, it makes one wonder what is going on!

Glee -- Makes me want to go back to high school just so I could be in a Glee Club (okay, maybe not high school, but I heard a local university has one, and would consider going back to school for that -- really!). Sometimes I think the storylines are a little out there, but, hey, when they break out into costume and song, I love it!

The Amazing Race -- I would love one day to be able to do this, but Brian and I are in no physical shape to be able to do it! *LOL* It's true. That, and neither of us can drive a stick shift. I love the people doing this amazing thing together, although I do wonder at some of the couples on the show (especially the ones dating) -- they can be nasty to each other one minute, and then the next be all lovey. Whatever. Doesn't work that way.

The Big Bang Theory -- Shows that nerds are cool AND funny. This show really makes me laugh. And the characters are so funny.

The Suze Orman Show -- Probably something you didn't think would make this list, but truthfully, I love her financial advice, and how she doesn't sugarcoat things. My favorite advice from her recently is how she's telling people to re-evaluate their American Dream. Most people think that owning a home is IT, but look at the mess we got into with people buying homes they couldn't afford. She says that the American Dream should now be to live in a place you can afford and it isn't a financial burden -- whether it's a rental or a house, it has to be something you can afford. (She says, if you don't have a 6- to 8-month emergency fund IN addition to 20% down, then either forget it, or keep saving.) It has made me feel better about the fact that several years ago we lost out on a home (we had 20% down, but no other savings), and how it may be awhile before we do own. But, it's okay. I'd rather be somewhere I know I can afford, than worry about how to pay for something because it's about to break.

So, there you have it. What do you think? What about your favorite shows?


M February 11, 2011 at 11:47 AM  

Dern, I forgot to put Alias on my list!

Christine Rains February 11, 2011 at 3:57 PM  

I have totally become a Gleek! *LOL* I'm frustrated that Quinn and Finn might get back together. I like Quinn with Sam and Finn with Rachel.

Gabby February 11, 2011 at 6:09 PM  

Christine: Yeah, I don't want them together again either. But then, I always thought that Finn was a little too passive for Rachel. She needs someone who can really handle her. (That's why I kinda liked Jesse.)

However, I loving the Puck/Lauren thing!

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