To a Healthy Year
A lot of people in the digiscrap community that I know, like to go with a word that they want the new year to be defined with. It's a way to make a resolution, per se, without being too pinned down. Oh, sure, they say the way to completing a goal is to write it down and to be specific about how that's accomplished, but there's nothing wrong with just starting out by putting that word out into the universe.
I think all of the things I mentioned last year are things I do want to continue working on, but they will be put into the word I have decided to use for me, for 2012.
And that word is Healthy.
I know, I know, it sounds like the obligatory "I'm gonna eat better" statement, but, to me it's more than that. I was thinking of all the things I want to accomplish this year, and it frankly got a little overwhelming. So many things to do! Was I crazy about wanting to do them? AND, I KNEW there was no way I would complete them all.
But then I started thinking, what does healthy really mean.
MW has it as:
1: enjoying health and vigor of body, mind, or spirit : well
2: evincing health
3: conducive to health
4 a : prosperous, flourishing
b : not small or feeble : considerable
Synonyms (in relation to different meanings):
- able-bodied, bouncing, fit, hale, hearty, robust, sound, well, well-conditioned, whole, wholesome
- biggish, good, goodly, handsome, healthy, largish, major, respectable, significant, sizable (or sizeable), substantial, substantive, tidy
- booming, boomy, flourishing, golden, halcyon, healthy, lush, palmy, prospering, roaring, successful, thriving
I think the first definition fits best, as I do want to have a healthy body, a healthy mind/heart, and a healthy spirit. But the others fit as well. I want to continue to flourish as a person, becoming the best I can be. Oh, I won't make it THIS year, but I can move forward. Part of having a calm, healthy spirit is to make sure my surroundings support this, and I will continue to declutter my home (and computer files! yeesh!). And also continue studying materials that will help.
And I'm sure the year will bring some unexpected things. One thing I know for sure, and which I am excited about, is that ...
Brian's going back to school! Officially! He registered and paid for his classes yesterday. Yay!! Right now he's taking a few of the core classes he will need for his new degree (which he didn't need with his old one) at a community college. He's starting out with two, but I don't think he needs that many more, and then he can transfer to a local university which carries the degree he wants. SO, can you send good vibes and prayers his way. Sometimes he get so discouraged with school (partly because I think he feels he's too old to be back in school and/or he wonders if it's worth it), but he's one of the smartest people I know, and I KNOW he can do this.
So, I will try to keep you updated on my Healthy journey this year, especially where my physical aspect is concerned (I do need to lose weight), as I've learned a lot over the last 18 months that would probably surprise you to learn about nutrition and the like. (And, maybe I can show off some healthy, tasty recipes.) We'll see.
To a great 2012!
Here's to a great 2012! Good luck to Brian. I'm excited for him and you.
Luck for sure. In all things for 2012. And hurray for Brian!
Sending lots of positive karma your way! (If Brian's too old for school, what does that make me?! He's gotta be careful with statement like that.;>)
Gabby that is great! Good health encompasses so much more than eating right (although it's a big part of it) and it sounds like you are on the right track. Enjoy your journey to good health. You'll love all benefits of feeling healthy!
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