The new year brings the new little things we got for Christmas, and those after-Christmas sales where we spend the gift cards we received.
So, I wanted to share a few things with you, somewhat random, but hey, that's how things sometimes go. ^_^
First off, we got a new little camera! We had a little point-and-shoot camera on our list, because, while I love my camera, sometimes it's so bulky to carry around. We wanted something small and portable. So, we put a little Canon Powershot on our wish list, and Brian's dad and stepmom got it for us. I had not idea it was so small! It's smaller (a little thicker, though), than my iPhone!
Then, not necessarily something we got as a gift, nor with gift cards, but part of my word
HEALTHY for the year, is ... a scale. Gasp! I know. How did we not have one? Well, denial isn't just a river in Egypt, is it? I would just get weighed at my annual physical and let it be. But, if I really AM serious about losing weight (and Brian too), then this is a good gauge. (AND, I am happy to report that, while I think I might have lost a little weight toward the end of last summer, but maybe gained some back during the holidays, I weigh exactly the same as I did when I went to the doctor almost a year ago. SO, that's a decent step, right? Oh, it's still a yucky number, but at least I know where I stand. ^_^)
And, to end on a fun note, I got some Barnes and Noble gift cards and went shopping online. I've been wanting small little notepads to carry in my purse, because sometimes I get ideas, or thoughts, or even things I want to remember, like when I see on FB, for instance, that someone's struggling and I say I'll send thoughts and prayers their way, but sometimes forget, or forget who it was, so ... that way, I have a handy little place to jot those thoughts down quickly. So, I found these little notepads on clearance. They are notepads that resemble dance cards, like those that might have been used in Austen's balls. The inside cover, as you see, has the actual dance card part, but the rest is just a blank little notepad. (Click on the pic to take you to where you can view the larger and more clear image -- it looks so blurry and yucky here! Ugh!) Such a cute, cute idea. And on clearance, to boot! Score! Shall we dance? ^_^

How about you? What fun gifts did you get this past Christmas, or what did you buy yourself with gift money/cards?