Monday, January 23, 2012

A Night at the Opera

Okay, actually, it was an afternoon at the opera.

But, it was at the Metropolitan Opera. Okay, but not in New York. At a movie theater.

Did you know they did this? You can watch live broadcasts of the Met Opera.

Brian took me to one of our local movie theaters this weekend to watch The Enchanted Island, a newly commissioned Baroque pastiche (fun word, eh?).

Basically, it's in English, with storylines taken from some Shakespeare plays, with music taken from a variety of operas (Handel, Vivaldi, and some lesser-known composers).

It was a lot of fun, and exceptionally well done (well, it is the Met, eh?), and it featured Placido Domingo in the role of Neptune (my mom LOVES him).

We can still say that opera's not really our thing, but that's okay, we can still appreciate it. ^_^

Although, I do have to say, some of the music was a little catchy.

My favorite was used in this trailer for the opera:

It was a fun and different thing to do, although, I must say, I think we were the youngest in the theater by like 40 years. *LOL* (Okay, maybe not, as there was a younger gay couple next to us, but, close enough!)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Obsessed with Downton Abbey

The best show you're not watching?

I came across Downton Abbey shortly after season 1 had begun. Honestly, I can't remember who told me about it, or maybe I had just seen previews for it on PBS. Either way, from the first episode of season 1, I was hooked!

As you can tell, it's a period drama, set in England (Edwardian times). I've heard it's very similar to Upstairs/Downstairs, in that it not only follows the life of the noble and genteel, but also the lives of the servants. (I have never seen Upstairs/Downstairs, but apparently it was very popular in the 70s? and there was also a remake recently.)

The drama, the costumes, the language, the romance, the twists and turns, I love it all.

I even got Brian hooked on it! *LOL* It really is THAT good. Now, some naysayers will tell you that season 2 (already aired in the UK, but currently airing in the US on PBS), which I've seen (thank you, Interwebs), is not good at all. But, I don't think that's it. I just think that season 1 was THAT good that season 2 does have a harder job in front of itself. I still enjoy the series greatly, and can't wait for season 3!!

If you haven't watched it, you should, EVEN if you don't think it would interest you at all. Give it a whirl. I think you may be surprised.

And yes, I am a little obsessed with it. I've read/watched interviews, articles, and even watched a well-done UK Parody of it (which was so funny!). So, I recommend. Go watch, go watch! (If you have Netflix, season 1 is on there.)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Teaser Tuesday: The Hum and The Shiver

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

I can’t deal with the haint yet, Bronwyn thought fearfully. She felt her immobility more than ever, and winced with each crushing heartbeat; for an instant she thought she might really be having a coronary, her body too weak to survive this level of terror.
-- Page 90, The Hum and The Shiver by Alex Bledsoe

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Random New Things

The new year brings the new little things we got for Christmas, and those after-Christmas sales where we spend the gift cards we received.

So, I wanted to share a few things with you, somewhat random, but hey, that's how things sometimes go. ^_^

First off, we got a new little camera! We had a little point-and-shoot camera on our list, because, while I love my camera, sometimes it's so bulky to carry around. We wanted something small and portable. So, we put a little Canon Powershot on our wish list, and Brian's dad and stepmom got it for us. I had not idea it was so small! It's smaller (a little thicker, though), than my iPhone!

Then, not necessarily something we got as a gift, nor with gift cards, but part of my word HEALTHY for the year, is ... a scale. Gasp! I know. How did we not have one? Well, denial isn't just a river in Egypt, is it? I would just get weighed at my annual physical and let it be. But, if I really AM serious about losing weight (and Brian too), then this is a good gauge. (AND, I am happy to report that, while I think I might have lost a little weight toward the end of last summer, but maybe gained some back during the holidays, I weigh exactly the same as I did when I went to the doctor almost a year ago. SO, that's a decent step, right? Oh, it's still a yucky number, but at least I know where I stand. ^_^)

And, to end on a fun note, I got some Barnes and Noble gift cards and went shopping online. I've been wanting small little notepads to carry in my purse, because sometimes I get ideas, or thoughts, or even things I want to remember, like when I see on FB, for instance, that someone's struggling and I say I'll send thoughts and prayers their way, but sometimes forget, or forget who it was, so ... that way, I have a handy little place to jot those thoughts down quickly. So, I found these little notepads on clearance. They are notepads that resemble dance cards, like those that might have been used in Austen's balls. The inside cover, as you see, has the actual dance card part, but the rest is just a blank little notepad. (Click on the pic to take you to where you can view the larger and more clear image -- it looks so blurry and yucky here! Ugh!) Such a cute, cute idea. And on clearance, to boot! Score! Shall we dance? ^_^

Shall We Dance?

How about you? What fun gifts did you get this past Christmas, or what did you buy yourself with gift money/cards?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

To a Healthy Year

A lot of people in the digiscrap community that I know, like to go with a word that they want the new year to be defined with. It's a way to make a resolution, per se, without being too pinned down. Oh, sure, they say the way to completing a goal is to write it down and to be specific about how that's accomplished, but there's nothing wrong with just starting out by putting that word out into the universe.

I think all of the things I mentioned last year are things I do want to continue working on, but they will be put into the word I have decided to use for me, for 2012.

And that word is Healthy.

I know, I know, it sounds like the obligatory "I'm gonna eat better" statement, but, to me it's more than that. I was thinking of all the things I want to accomplish this year, and it frankly got a little overwhelming. So many things to do! Was I crazy about wanting to do them? AND, I KNEW there was no way I would complete them all.

But then I started thinking, what does healthy really mean.

MW has it as:
1: enjoying health and vigor of body, mind, or spirit : well
2: evincing health
3: conducive to health
4 a : prosperous, flourishing
   b : not small or feeble : considerable

Synonyms (in relation to different meanings):

  • able-bodied, bouncing, fit, hale, hearty, robust, sound, well, well-conditioned, whole, wholesome
  • biggish, good, goodly, handsome, healthy, largish, major, respectable, significant, sizable (or sizeable), substantial, substantive, tidy
  • booming, boomy, flourishing, golden, halcyon, healthy, lush, palmy, prospering, roaring, successful, thriving

I think the first definition fits best, as I do want to have a healthy body, a healthy mind/heart, and a healthy spirit. But the others fit as well. I want to continue to flourish as a person, becoming the best I can be. Oh, I won't make it THIS year, but I can move forward. Part of having a calm, healthy spirit is to make sure my surroundings support this, and I will continue to declutter my home (and computer files! yeesh!). And also continue studying materials that will help.

And I'm sure the year will bring some unexpected things. One thing I know for sure, and which I am excited about, is that ...

Brian's going back to school! Officially! He registered and paid for his classes yesterday. Yay!! Right now he's taking a few of the core classes he will need for his new degree (which he didn't need with his old one) at a community college. He's starting out with two, but I don't think he needs that many more, and then he can transfer to a local university which carries the degree he wants. SO, can you send good vibes and prayers his way. Sometimes he get so discouraged with school (partly because I think he feels he's too old to be back in school and/or he wonders if it's worth it), but he's one of the smartest people I know, and  I KNOW he can do this.

So, I will try to keep you updated on my Healthy journey this year, especially where my physical aspect is concerned (I do need to lose weight), as I've learned a lot over the last 18 months that would probably surprise you to learn about nutrition and the like. (And, maybe I can show off some healthy, tasty recipes.) We'll see.

To a great 2012!

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