Sunday, January 13, 2013

First Weeks of Project 52

Over a week ago, Brian and I went to the Chinese Lantern Festival being held in the heart of Dallas. It was the second to last night that it was in town, and I had purchased a Groupon earlier in December, so I knew this would be perfect for a Project 52 picture.

Instead of driving, as we hate Dallas traffic, we decided to take the DART (Dallas Area Rapid Transit) rail. It was nice to be able to talk and play a game (on our phone) while not having to worry about driving and crazy Texas drivers. There's a stop right at Fair Park, where the Festival was being held, so it was but a short distance away.

Luckily, we got there pretty much as it opened. And boy, was it busy! (As we left later, there were some long lines. Glad we got there early!)

It was really neat, and I posted the pictures I took on my Flickr page. But, one of my favorites, and the one I chose as my Project 52 picture for the week, was of the "Fairy Temple."

P52: Week 1 - Fairy Temple

It was bright, colorful, and there was even some happy music playing! ^_^


Week 2's picture is a little more somber, but very close to my heart. I remember being stunned, shocked, and brought to tears by the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary just a few weeks back. As the news unfolded, I could not hold back the tears of grief (because, yes, even though I didn't know a single person involved, I still felt this unjustice and the tear through humanity).

Shortly after, I heard of a project, a request, if you will, from this school's PTSA, for snowflakes to donate the new school that the children would be going to. This school had no decorations, nothing to welcome them back as best they could from this horrible thing that happened in their life. So, I knew that this was something I could do. And, while I didn't get to make as many as I wanted, I still made a few. Here they are, right before I packaged and mailed them off.

P52: Week 2 - Snowflakes for Sandy Hook


This year's photo project is hopefully a more thought-out documentation of my life. I remember my Project 365 was filled with photos of food. I will try my best to not have as many photos of food. Just because my life is more than that. ^_^

What about you? Are you doing anything to document more of your life this year?


Charles Gramlich January 14, 2013 at 7:55 AM  

Lovely pics. I'm always glad to hear of folks using public transport too.

M January 14, 2013 at 1:36 PM  

I *should* take more pictures. Most of the fun stuff I blog through Sherlock (at Adventures with Sherlock).

Erika January 14, 2013 at 3:25 PM  

I love how you used paper with designs on it for the snowflakes! I've only ever used plain white, but I like the snowflake-on-snowflake look.

Christine Rains January 15, 2013 at 7:05 PM  

Fantastic photos! The fairy temple is so pretty, and a lovely heartfelt snowflake one.

Most of my year will be dedicated to my 13th Floor series.

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