Sunday, January 27, 2013

Project 52: Week 4

Yesterday we went and saw another Pegasus Theatre production of their Living Black and White plays, called "XSR: Die!" As always, we love going to these! So cheesy and funny. And I especially love that you can meet and greet the cast.

So, that's my picture for the week!

P52: Week4 - Black, and White, and Played All Over

I love that they're in character, even for these pictures!

Usually, I rather spend the money to go see a musical, but I love these plays. I try to go see them every time they perform, which is usually once a year. (Which, frankly, given that the writer also stars in them, it's quite the production!)

Do you like the theater?

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Project 52: Week 3

20 Years of Memories

P52: Week3 - 20 Years of Memories

Can one call "memories" as they pertain to fiction?

This week I read (and finished today), the last book in The Wheel of Time series. I have invested over 20 years of my life into this series, and it's kind of sad to let it go!

Was I satisfied with the ending? Not really. But, then, I would have to say, that books such as these, where an amazing world has been created, where you meet SO many characters and SO many questions get asked, that you couldn't really have the perfect resolution with all questions answered. It just doesn't happen.

Although, I wish the battle scenes wouldn't have been so ... well, so. (I really dislike reading battle scenes!) But, overall, I loved this series. AND, if you've been waiting to read the series until all came out, well then, there you are!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

. . . and Downs

Life is full of Ups and Downs.

A few days ago, we experienced a Down (hence the title). As most of you know from FB, Brian lost his job. Which sucks. It was not in our plans for him to lose his job right now. And while I won't necessarily comment as to what happened, let's just say that I feel the situation was extremely unfair, and that I also believe there were some politics that came into play that caused his company to let him go.

I WILL say that his old department is going to struggle greatly, as he was an incredible asset to them, did tasks that even some who SHOULD know how to do said tasks didn't, and that they are going to be in quite the pickle. BUT, they dug their grave. Their loss.

So, for now, we need to figure out what exactly will work out best for him, as he figures out how this current situation will affect his wanting to go to school in the fall (taking on a heavier load, with actual classes for a major). The good news is, as mentioned before regarding loans, that he doesn't have any outstanding. We had some hiccups a few years back regarding them, which we paid some, but ... come to find out, we paid everything he owed. SO, that financial monkey's off our back. (Which means, that, if we need to take out loans for him to go to school this fall, then we can.)

So, prayers, thoughts, good vibes, etc., and leads would be nice.

And, hopefully, this isn't one of those "comes in three" sort of things. *knock on wood*

How about you? Hit any Downs lately? Or, Ups are good, too! ^_^

Sunday, January 13, 2013

First Weeks of Project 52

Over a week ago, Brian and I went to the Chinese Lantern Festival being held in the heart of Dallas. It was the second to last night that it was in town, and I had purchased a Groupon earlier in December, so I knew this would be perfect for a Project 52 picture.

Instead of driving, as we hate Dallas traffic, we decided to take the DART (Dallas Area Rapid Transit) rail. It was nice to be able to talk and play a game (on our phone) while not having to worry about driving and crazy Texas drivers. There's a stop right at Fair Park, where the Festival was being held, so it was but a short distance away.

Luckily, we got there pretty much as it opened. And boy, was it busy! (As we left later, there were some long lines. Glad we got there early!)

It was really neat, and I posted the pictures I took on my Flickr page. But, one of my favorites, and the one I chose as my Project 52 picture for the week, was of the "Fairy Temple."

P52: Week 1 - Fairy Temple

It was bright, colorful, and there was even some happy music playing! ^_^


Week 2's picture is a little more somber, but very close to my heart. I remember being stunned, shocked, and brought to tears by the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary just a few weeks back. As the news unfolded, I could not hold back the tears of grief (because, yes, even though I didn't know a single person involved, I still felt this unjustice and the tear through humanity).

Shortly after, I heard of a project, a request, if you will, from this school's PTSA, for snowflakes to donate the new school that the children would be going to. This school had no decorations, nothing to welcome them back as best they could from this horrible thing that happened in their life. So, I knew that this was something I could do. And, while I didn't get to make as many as I wanted, I still made a few. Here they are, right before I packaged and mailed them off.

P52: Week 2 - Snowflakes for Sandy Hook


This year's photo project is hopefully a more thought-out documentation of my life. I remember my Project 365 was filled with photos of food. I will try my best to not have as many photos of food. Just because my life is more than that. ^_^

What about you? Are you doing anything to document more of your life this year?

Monday, January 7, 2013

A New Year

It's been almost a year since I posted (for real), and I can only say that life gets in the way.

But, as a new year has dawned, we can look forward to all the possibilities.

Last year I had a word, but I wasn't as successful as I had hoped. But you know what, it's okay. As I was reading a blog post from someone I've never read before, she talked about "Drops of Awesome" as in, accounting for all the good things we do into this imaginary bucket. And to not berate ourselves constantly with the things we don't do. Because we're all human, and we all mess up.

So what if I lost some weight and gained it back, and least I know I can do it if I put my mind to it. (And really, my biggest downfall is that I need to find exercise that works for me.) And, I know a lot of great info about health and nutrition, so I just have to put it into use.

On the other hand, I had a great year at my job, got a glowing review, and even got a small raise! (Which, frankly, I didn't expect to get, seeing as I'd not even been there a whole year at that point as a full-time employee).

And, Brian did go back to school, took some economics and accounting courses, and got As and Bs. So, yay for him! Now his next task is to apply to a large university and get his stuff transferred so he can go back this fall. (There may also be an old school loan lingering out there that needs taking care of. Eeep!)

And, we ended up moving, again, because the fancy new place wanted to charge us a ton more to renew. Whatever. So, we packed up and left. The new place is ... smaller, not as nice, but ... way cheaper, and a smarter decision in the long run. Hopefully we can stay here while Brian goes to school, and then ... one day, a house! But, one step at a time.

I will say, that this new place is really helping us purge and de-clutter.

So, I don't think I have a word for this year. I have many things I want to do and attempt and achieve. But I do know that this year is for ... simplifying, saving money, communicating better, and focusing on making memories.

That last will be easier to attempt, as I try my hand out at a Project 52. You remember my Project 365 I did back in 2010? Well, same concept, just a little toned down. 1 photo a week for a year will make me focus a little more on what I want to take pictures of, and therefore make me want to go and see more of this city I'm a part of. There's so much to do and see around here!

I already started out the year, and will share my progress here. My first photos involved something Asian, and ... snowflakes. (Posting later about that. ^_^)

So, I will try to update often, and least to show my pictures and to tell about all the fun things planned for this year, from wanting to see the Titanic exhibit, to going to see Wicked AND The Lion King (in addition to another B&W play), to my parent's 50th Wedding Anniversary Party in November. And whatever's not planned, as well!

Lots going on!

How about you? What do YOU have planned for this year?

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