What's Your Decorating Style?
A friend posted on her blog a link to a quiz to find out your decorating style. Mine is:
41% Wine Country

Tuscan sun, here we come! The Wine Country style reflects the feelings evoked by the seaside regions of Europe such as the South of France, Spain, Italy and Greece. The style manages to be both refined and casual, such that you can mix beautiful antiques with more rustic wrought iron or wood and the result is both sophisticated and cozy.
Furniture is large and comfortable, colors are bright and cheery, and regardless of the color palette the spaces almost always feel warm. You can easily translate the style into the perfect family environment but you can just as easily emphasize the more formal pieces and make your room the perfect adult getaway.
30% Traditional Country

Even if your backyard isn't acres of farmland and you don't actually have a cow out in the barn, your house sure brings you back to a time when that was the case for many.
You love spaces that feel casual and lived in. Furniture is practical and comfortable, and yet at the same time its very stylish. The best part of country style is how much it highlights collection and found objects. Antiques here, garage sale finds there and Aunt Milly's hand-me-downs throughout. Unique items that used to serve very practical purposes are now on display, and their history seems to permeate the home. Each space in the home seems to invite friends and family to come in and stay a while. There is a true sense of home felt throughout.
29% Classic

What's old is new again! The beauty of Classic style is how well it takes all of the beautiful forms, colors and textures of the past and reinvents them in a way that feels both fresh and inspired.
The style itself is a mix of European influences and French, English and Italian antiques and replicas are often used together. Furniture is well proportioned and comfortable and the rooms give off an air of sophistication and grace. Oil paintings depicting still-life or nature scenes and emphasizing symmetry of pairs helps maintain the traditional nature of the room. Windows are often covered with opulent fabric shades and/or drapery.
Traditional rooms give off an air of history that seems to say "I was here long before you, and will remain long after you've gone." And yet, even with this level of sophistication, the rooms are soft and inviting.
Many years ago, I believed that "country" equaled farm house decor, or lots of ugly florals, BUT, I have since discovered that it is not the case, and that "country" very much suits me. (While I had plans to already be decorating a house at this point, it's always good to put this down to remind myself down the road.) Overall I like the rooms above, though I would definitely change out some things here or there.
So, take the quiz and find out your decorating style (and let me know, as I'm curious.)
I really liked this quiz! Thanks for sharing! I turned out to be 33% Rustic Revival, 33% Contemporary, and 34% Traditional Country. It's a pretty even split.
I'm 100% mountain lodge!
You love nature! And really, how could you not? The more exposed wood (be it in log form or paneling) the better. And having natural stone in your home is a must! Especially at the fireplace, but stone top tables work too.
If you could clad all the furniture in wood and stone you would, but splinters aren't fun and stone is cold! So when you need a place to sit (or recline in!), it should be comfortable and warm. Bigger is better when it comes to your favorite chair for watching TV or reading the newspaper. Leather is great (go natural!), but soft fabrics in warm tones also suit you well.
My decorating style is "Whatever Lana Wants."
44% Traditional Asian, 31% Southwestern Style, and 25% Traditional Country! That was fun!! :D And pretty darn accurate too.
Not surprising that your style is wine country, considering you are such a big wine drinker. Just kidding :) I'm going to have to check out this quiz.
This was my result:
So fresh and clean! Antiques? No thanks! Vintage collections and clutter of any type? Not for you! You like your space new and sleek. Each piece is chosen carefully as though it were a piece of art, and your love of minimalism is expressed throughout each room. Furniture has clean lines and geometric shapes are preferred.
You're not afraid of color — in fact, bold color options only highlight the minimal items you choose for your home. But the key is clean. To master the minimalist interior you not only have to be selective in the few furniture items you bring into the space, you must also find a way to hide all of the real-life items as well.
-- That's exactly how I would like my house to look, but sadly, it doesn't...
Ah! Did it - now I must blog about it. The funny thing is about the quiz is that it doesn't reflect what I live in now - which means I need to go shopping!!! :)
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