Late for Heart Day
Brian and I spent an uneventful Saturday at home for Valentine's Day. It was kind of nice. We slept in late, and then watched TV and movies the rest of the day (after doing some quick chores in the morning). For dinner we had a ham, twice-baked potatoes and deviled eggs. With key lime cake for dessert. Mmm! Our nice dinner was our "treat" to each other, instead of gifts, although we each handmade a card for the other. Brian tried his first attempt at hybrid card making. It was sweet and cute.
From me to Brian:

(I had originally intended this card for the VDay KWerner color inspiration, but I didn't capture the picture in time to submit it. Ah, well.)
The poem by Leo Buscaglia reads:
Love is always bestowed as a gift --
freely, willingly, and without expectation...
We don't love to be loved; we love to love.
From Brian to me:

I like the Japanese-inspired theme he used. Loved the little Anime SD boy and girl. Too cute! ^_^ (I won't post what he wrote, since it IS a little personal, but maybe you can read it.)
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