Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
DigiScrap: Pretty Blue Eyes
It's been quite awhile since I've done a digital scrapbook page. I was challenged at one of the digiscrap forums I visit to do one. So ... here we are. It's a little simple, but good to get back into the creative groove.
(Just so you know, I didn't necessarily lose interest, but if you recall, my external USB HD crashed, and while the data was recoverable, it got transferred to Brian's computer -- long story. SO, I haven't really had access to all of my digiscrap stuff. Oh, yeah, and my printer had sorta died. I am getting a new one soon. Yay!)
Posted by Gabby at 11:17 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Project 365 Roundup: Week 3
(I'm changing how I do my weeks, and going from Friday to Thursday, since Jan. 1 was a Friday, and Dec. 31 is a Friday, so it will make the weeks easier to track and be even, in terms of number of pictures.)
(since I already posted Jan. 15 and 16, this is a shorter week to get me back on track)
Posted by Gabby at 8:43 PM 2 comments
Monday, January 18, 2010
Project 365 Roundup: Week 2
Posted by Gabby at 5:23 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Handmade Gifts Completed!
So, remember way back when I had that little pay-it-forward crafty contest, where if you commented, then I would send you something handmade and then you had to do this on your blog?
Well, quite a bit ago I posted what I made for Christine, and now I can finally post what I made for Reva and Manda! (Sorry gals, that it took so long!)
For Reva, a pair of fabric headbands, thanks to a free pattern by Heather Bailey! These actually came together so easily, that in the same afternoon I was able to make a couple for me. Tee-hee! (Click on them to take you to the larger image in Flickr.)
And then, I made some notecards for Amanda, but ... I'm a goober and forgot to take a picture of the final product! Duh! Anyway, here's a pic from my 365 of me about to start making them, so you get a sort of idea. ^_^
Posted by Gabby at 12:57 PM 8 comments
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Project 365 Roundup: Week 1 (and a half)
(Please click on each thumbnail for the larger view. Feel free to leave comments on my Flickr page, or here. Any favorites? Or any post processing you think is cool?)
And, just for kicks, my "extra" 365 shots (which I liked, but didn't make it into the official 365):
Posted by Gabby at 4:31 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
First Post of 2010
Happy New Year!
So, sure, a little late, but ... better late than never.
Quick recap of Christmas and the New Year:
Christmas Eve began with snow ... coming down. Last time it snowed in Texas for Christmas was ...80-some-odd years ago. We carefully made our way to my Mom's (she's only about 15-20 minutes away), and while it wasn't the best drive, it was okay. HOWEVER, coming back home was another matter. The roads were pretty bad, and not a sand truck in sight. I only skidded a little here and there, but after about 40 minutes we were home safe and sound. Christmas Eve at my parents was fun (and not so crazy as in the past). And, just to note, but the stuffed animal I gave my sister was a big hit. She loved it!
Christmas day, most of the snow had melted by the afternoon, and we made our way to Brian's family. We had a nice time there as well, but cut the evening short so we could be home before the bridges decided to be icy. We were fine.
Cut to New Year's Eve, and we decided to stay in. In the past we've done Murder Mystery Dinners, but they're a lot of work, and besides, Brian had to work, even though it didn't really interfere with celebrating the new year. (You know, I discovered upon thinking of what to do for that night, that not a single person invited us to their place, or to do something with them. Sad, huh?)
For New Year's Day I roasted half a leg of lamb. First time, and YUM-o! It was good! Hopefully one day soon we can catch it on sale again (because that's really how I can afford it).
AND, as for goals, or resolutions, or whatevers ... well, I heard recently that we shouldn't focus on the past, and move on to the future. But also remember today. Or something like that.
Last year wasn't our best year. My freelancing didn't really go anywhere. I had a few things here and there, but nothing to write home about. However, toward the end of the year I had two more interviews, one for an agency, and one for actual freelancing at a book publisher in a nearby town.
Also toward the end of the year, Brian decided to go back to school this Spring (2010) and began the process. Come to find out he not only had to re-apply, but he also owed the school a lot of money (because his last loan hadn't gone through the last semester he was there). AND, since it had been awhile, it had gone to collections. Ugh, mess! Anyway, there was a lot of back and forth between us, the collections agency, and the school ... and while we tried to get some sort of deal, apparently schools and money, well ... they want everything. (He had to pay it all for them to release his transcripts.)
So now we know why we didn't end up buying the house over a year ago -- because the money we WERE going to put down, well, part of it needs to go for Brian's schooling.
However, as of today, some good news: Brian's account with the school has been cleared, he is now free of that debt, and he can now return to school.
AND, second, I actually got a call, TODAY, from the publisher for me to do some freelance work! Yay!
I hope to continue working harder this year to make this come to fruition. Because, I'm afraid that I can probably only give myself about another 6 months with this (to really try and make it work) before our money situation will need some serious addressing (and also given the fact that if Brian can go back to school full time, and only work part time, maybe, then he could be done sooner, and that would be a relief). SO ... we'll see how things work out.
I know I usually don't write so many personal things in this new blog, given that when I did it in my old blog I would sometimes get some nasty "anonymous" comments, but I felt that it was something that needed posting, so you could know what was going on.
So, as I began this with a note about not focusing on the past, we are going to focus on the future: Brian is going to go back to school (only part time for now, so he can get used to it again), and I am going to continue this freelancing thing (for now).
While sometimes I do wonder why things happen as they do, or why my life isn't going in the direction I wish it would, or how come other people have the things I want ... I know that the Lord has a plan for me. Goodness but I wish it would move a little quicker, though! But, as much patience as I have learned so far, I suppose I have much yet to learn.
And so, while I don't have resolutions, per se, I do have some things I want to accomplish this year. First is that I told Brian that I will not buy anymore "craft" items until I finish the current craft I'm working on (unless, of course, it's something I need to finish said craft). I have several projects that need to be worked on! I know. Laugh if you want. Second, is that I'd like to be a better friend. (I have a lot of thought behind this, but I think it wouldn't make sense if I typed it all out.) I just want to try to put as much as I can into a friendship and hopefully receive the same in kind (because, really, isn't that what good friendships are about? Some give and take? or maybe that's where my flaw lies). Lastly, I recommit myself to trying to build this little freelance business, but also open myself to available opportunities to be led where the Lord wants me to be.
But, don't fret, my artsy-craftsy self shall not be abandoned. And, to tide you over until my next project, here is a handmade Christmas gift I made for my Mother-in-Law and stepFather-in-Law. My MIL really liked it.
Oh, and for those of you that didn't know, I am doing a Project 365 this year -- documenting my life with a picture a day for an entire year. I am uploading these each day to my Flickr page, and about once a week I will post thumbnails here.
Hope everyone's year is a great one!
Posted by Gabby at 4:58 PM 4 comments
About Gabby
My Sites
Blogs - Family and Friends
- Apartment Therapy
- Centsational Girl
- Daisy Photography Studio
- Design Sponge
- Designs by Megan Turnidge
- Desire to Inspire
- Dingbat Press
- Firefly Path
- Grace is Overrated
- Graphics Fairy
- HELLOmynameisHeather
- KWernerDesignBlog
- Peppermint Creative Blog
- Rambling Renovators
- Shabby Princess
- Sheye Rosemeyer Photography
- The Lettered Cottage
- Thrifty Decor Chick
- 30 Days (31)
- 365 (28)
- anniversary (4)
- award (2)
- before and after (2)
- birthdays (5)
- blessings (2)
- books (18)
- car (1)
- cats (10)
- Christmas (4)
- church (4)
- contest (11)
- costume (2)
- couponing (3)
- craft (42)
- decorating (11)
- digiscrap (21)
- Dream Giver - Stargate fanfic (5)
- dreams (3)
- entertainment (3)
- family (2)
- fanfic (5)
- fashion (1)
- food (11)
- games (3)
- Halloween (2)
- health (2)
- hybrid (18)
- life (97)
- masquerade (1)
- meme (4)
- memories (1)
- movie (3)
- music (5)
- My Stories (1)
- NaBloPoMo (60)
- New Year (4)
- outings (1)
- photo (61)
- Project 52 (13)
- recipe (6)
- roleplaying (1)
- savings (6)
- sewing (5)
- shopping (7)
- theater (3)
- thrift store (2)
- TV (2)
- vacation (4)
- Valentine's Day (3)
- video (3)
- work (4)
- writing (5)
- Writing Wednesday (3)
Wish Lists
Favorite Movies
- The Little Mermaid
- The Lord of the Rings trilogy
Favorite Books
- Harry Potter series (J.K. Rowling)
- Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
- The Night Circus (Erin Morgenstern)
- The Thirteenth Tale (Diane Setterfield)
- The Wheel of Time series (Robert Jordan)
Favorite TV Shows (current)
- Downton Abbey
- Once Upon a Time
- The Big Bang Theory
- Warehouse 13
Favorite TV Shows (all-time)
- Alias
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Stargate SG-1
- The X-Files
Purplicious header created using photos by yours truly, taken during my 2010 Project 365. Swirls were found for free online, and the font is Zapfoni with a little Helvetica thrown in.