Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Recent Pics of the Cats

One of the digiscrap sites in which I post in the forum has a weekly photo contest. Last week's theme was pets/animals. So, it being awhile since I've taken some good cat photos, I let the cats onto the patio to let them roam in the small enclosed space, while I attempted some photos (since the lighting in our apartment is quite horrible). Here are the results.

First, Yanni:

Studious Yanni

Stretchy Yanni

Upside Down Dirty Yanni

And then, Yuki (Yanni's usually my more photogenic one, but Yuki took some lovely photos this time -- when I could get her to stand/sit still for a moment!):

Moving Yuki

Yuki Close Up w/ color pop

Black and White Yuki

Vintage Yuki

I was only able to enter two of these photos (the first one of the Yanni, and the last one of Yuki). I didn't win the contest, but I got an honorable mention for this last photo of Yuki, mostly because of the post processing I did with it. All photos were edited in Photoshop and enhanced in Lightroom.


Charles Gramlich November 24, 2009 at 10:26 PM  

What incredible eyes these kitties have.

Gabby November 24, 2009 at 11:23 PM  

@Charles: Thanks! Lightroom helped in many instances, but hey ... I am surely NOT the last person to use post processing to enhance photos, right? At least I admit it! ^_^

Sami November 25, 2009 at 6:55 AM  

Your kitties are loooovely, as always!! The photos came out great! What kind of camera do you use? I'm going to be getting a DSLR for Christmas this year, and I'm doing my research... :)

Christine Rains November 25, 2009 at 7:57 AM  

Absolutely beautiful! ^_^ They look like cats in a professional magazine.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Gabby November 25, 2009 at 9:02 AM  

@Sami: Thank you! You don't know how many pics I had to take! But you know how crazy cats can be to take photos of. ^_^ The camera I have is a Sony Cybershot DSC-H2. I don't know if that one's still available, but there are newer versions of it. These are definitely not pocket cameras. However, it's technically a point and shoot, but with the ability to shoot in manual, or even program specific settings. You can also buy some lenses for it -- but they're only for specific things, like wide angle, super macro, or telephoto. And they're about 100 bucks each. Not worth it for a $300 (or so) camera, I think. My biggest beef is the fact that it only takes photos in JPG, and only 72 DPI at that. I wish the resolution was a little bit better, but ... there ya go. One day I want to get a DSLR as well, but for now ... this will suffice. (And I love Lightroom, because of the post processing. <3)

@Christine: Thank you! The last Yuki shot, someone told me it looked like a Cat Calendar pic. ^_^ Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

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