Friday, October 30, 2009

Kitty Pumpkin says ...

Happy Halloween!

Okay, technically tomorrow is Halloween, but I thought I would get into the spirit a little early, and show off my Kitty Pumpkin! I got this idea from All You magazine. However, I couldn't find the size of pumpkin it suggested, so mine is a tiny version. No, really. The pumpkin itself is only about 2 1/2 inches. Awww, cute!

Tonight is my church's Trunk or Treat event, where I will dress up as a Hogwart's student -- Gryffindor, of course! ^_^ I've had this costume for years, but ... it's well made and has lasted a long time. I still need to get some decent pics of it, though, before I decide that it's time for the costume to be retired. (BTW, if anyone cares, the costume is HP movie 1&2 version, as they changed with the 3rd movie.) They are having a "best pumpkin" prize at the Trunk or Treat, and I will enter mine, though I doubt it will win. If there was a tiny and cute decorated pumpkin category, I would be a total shoo-in! ^_^

Tomorrow I'm going to my friend Stephanie's Halloween party. Since it will be indoors, and my HP costume is quite warm, I'm debating what to wear for the party that won't be too warm. I have two ideas, but one will definitely take longer to get myself ready for than the other, and I'm working on a sewing project that I really need to make some headway on. So, we'll see ....

So, everyone, have a happy and safe Halloween -- and don't eat too much candy!

(What are YOU doing for Halloween? What are you dressing up as, if you are dressing up?)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

DigiScrap: State Fair of Texas (from the archive)

(Having some issues getting my digiscrap stuff back to my 'puter, I decided to post an old layout -- created a little over a year ago.)

State Fair

With it being October, and the slight chill of fall in the air, and Halloween approaching, I thought I would share an LO I did of me at the State Fair of Texas, back in '04 (wow, it's been that long?). The picture of me with the cat makeup is actually a funny story. My company had taken us to the Fair (and we were small, so there were only a few of us), and we came across these French gals that were with some troupe, that were doing makeup ... on kids. There were some cats, lions, tigers, butterflies, and other magically glitterful creations, and ... my coworkers dared me to get my face done. Uh, hello! Cool! So, there I am, standing in line, with kids and their parents. I was not the only adult to have it done, but probably one of the few. And, the gals were kind enough to work around my glasses (which, maybe spoiled the effect a little, but...). I LOVED the way it turned out, and when we met some of my other coworkers later (who hadn't been with us), they certainly had some laughs. But I think secretly the had to be jealous. This was definitely NOT an amateur makeup job. What I especially love about this LO is the tinted pic in the background of the ferris wheel. You know, I have technically never been on that one. Maybe one day (the lines are usually really long, and it's kinda expensive, though).

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