Monday, July 19, 2010

Project 365 Roundup: Weeks 26, 27 & 28

June 25 - July 1
176/365: Red Arbor  177/365: An American Girl 178/365: Thrifty Suit 179/365: Welcome to OK!
180/365: Jumping Dogs 181/365: Visiting the Apple Store 182/365: Dreaming at the Philbrook

176/365 (Extra): Yellow Flowers 182/365 (Extra): Wrought-Iron Sky

July 2 - July 8
183/365: The Way Home 184/365: Preparing for the 4th 184/365: Star-Spangled Banners 186/365: Fortune Cookie
187/365: Rainy Groceries 188/365: Making Dinner 189/365: Not Just One Cake

July 9 - July 15
190/365: iPhone 4 191/365: Giant Chili Pepper 192/365: Mamma and Baby 193/365: Book Fight Club
194/365: Mending Clothes 195/365: Christmas in July 196/365: Slurpee Machine

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Trying to Catch Up

So, as you know, I had been working hard to try to get some work, by trying not to focus too much on home stuffs, like dividing piles of donate/sell items, clearing out junk drawers and bogged down closets, and several projects which I want to work on.

And then June was gone in a blur, the first half filled with a temp job and work stuffs and the later half was filled with social engagements and a sudden trip out of town. Well, Brian's dad and step mom were supposed to come visit in the last week of June, but she works for AT&T and her schedule changed because of the iPhone4 launch, and they were only going to be in town for a day, so, since Brian had taken the entire week off, we decided to go visit them.

Oh, I guess I should mention that the reason they were coming to visit is because Brian's dad is currently in Afghanistan as a civilian contract worker, and he was home on vacation but leaving on July 2. So, up to Tulsa we went.

We mostly just hung out, went out to eat a LOT and ran around on errands for his dad. Also played with their Australian Shepherds. However, we did get one afternoon to ourselves and we went to the Philbrook Museum and Gardens (I mostly wanted to go see the gardens, but we did roam around the museum, which is a converted mansion -- very lovely, and they even have a Van Gogh painting I had never seen before which was beautiful!).

Since we got back on July 2nd, we were so tired that our July 4th celebrations were pretty low-key, but that's okay. But the last week has had me trying to catch up with all the things that need to be done around here!

And, I am backlogged with photos I need to edit from a baby shower I went to, as well as my design team duties, not to mention my normal 365s AND the garden and other photos I took while in Tulsa. (Oh, and I really wanted to start up my Friday Fanfic again, but ... that has to wait as well. Darn!)

Oh, and let's not forget trying to print and get pictures to all you lovely contest winners. Which, btw, some of you have not yet let me know which photo you want!

So, here I am, trying to get in an actual blog post instead of just photos, to let you know I'm around, just trying to catch up with life!

Anyone wanna come over and help me organize and/or clean???? Hah!

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